Whenever considering a procedure of reducing the size of your breast then one major piece of information you look forward to is the cost. It’s important to know how much cost you will have to bear to get breast reduction in Pakistan. Need an answer for that question? It’s time to continue reading and know the figure.
If I talk about a range of breast reduction cost then it is somewhere between 85,000 PKR to 150,000. So, it’s not a kind of money you can’t afford. If you are doing a job then you can easily keep money aside for this big thing of your life. However, this cost might not include anesthesia and operating facilities charges. Also, keep in mind it’s not the final cost.
There are some clinics that are known all over Pakistan because of their remarkable results. So, when you plan a breast reduction treatment with them then probably you need to spend more cash.
Another thing which can contribute to the cost of breast reduction in Islamabad is the experience of the surgeon. An expert charges more than a beginner. The reason for the high cost is that he can deliver better results.
Here is a complete breakdown for the cost of breast reduction in Islamabad.
- Anesthesia fees
- Hospital or surgical facility costs
- Medical tests
- Post-surgery garments
- Prescriptions for medication
- Surgeon's fee
To get an exact estimate for the cost, it is always suggested to visit a reputed clinic and then consult with your surgeon. Every case is different and every patient brings some expectations. Meeting the exact expectations of a patient is a challenging task that a surgeon tries to do at his best.
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